Just yesterday I was whatching Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets and I saw a Phoenix dying and rebirthing, never gave importance to that moment in the movie after many times of whatching it, but yesterday it got my silent attention.

As if somehow life was showing how everything is connected, my simple attention on detail to your inspiration!

I cannot understantd neither put it in words how much this "rebirth" resonates with me!

Life is pushing me to a new start which leads to a methaphorical death, I see many things changing my relations, my attitude towards life, work, my body, my habits!

Also, at this point I might seem like a stalker but trust me ,I'm not!

Your inspiration really touches me, and I can't stop my self on showing that through a like or by comenting. I don't even beleive that I should think of stoping myself on showing anything.

You are worthy of feedback!

I've really been enjoying reading you!

Other thing, I am curious, what do you mean by being worthy of rebirth?

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